Fall is here, and with it, the school year. We have a different look this year, and a few new faces as well!

We have gotten used to teachers wearing masks, temperature checks at the door, filling out our ‘Homework’ (Attestation forms) and washing our hands a little more than we are used to.

The students here are happily learning to respect each others spaces, while still enjoying the fun of preschool. Our classes are smaller in size this year, which allows more one-on-one time in the classroom.

As the weather is beginning to change, the signs of Autumn are all around us, a cooler breeze, falling leaves, and the yummy taste of apples are just a few things we have noticed here.

We are continuing to do our learning activities. Every child has specified writing utensils, and these are cleaned daily.

It is exciting to see the school open and to see the smiling faces of our students as they run outside, discover their abilities, and grow every day. We are grateful for the trust our parents have in us, and we are excited to be a part of the learning journey for these students!
We encourage our families to stay safe, keep trusting, and to know that nothing is more important to us, than teaching your child how to trust, how to be their own best self, and how to make messes and have fun!
Keep your hands clean, and your spirit high!! We are The Little Shepherd Preschool, and as our school song states,
“Give a Cheer, Give a Cheer for the Little Lambs are Here!!!”